This year, the Jeju Forum hosted 3,672 participants from 49 countries, the largest number in the forums history, signaling its growing importance as an international forum that deals comprehensively with a variety of topics. With one voice, Asian political leaders and erudite scholars from around the world expressed their yearning for peace on the Korean Peninsula, and delivered the East Asian communitys shared vision of a peaceful, constructive resolution to historical and territorial disputes in Asia, founded on mutual understanding.  Seeking global cooperation that befits this anticipated paradigm shift, a broad range of topics was considered, including the economy, culture, women, energy, and climate change. As a result of these discussions, new measures were devised to respond effectively to various crises and changes.Based on the fruits of this years discussions.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

14:00 ~ 15:20
[4-B] Korean Peninsula under the New Global Leadership
글로벌 리더십 교체에 따른 한반도 정세
Room B
Moderator: HONG, Ji-In (President, Institute of Foreign Affairs & National Security, Korea National Diplomatic Academy)

Speakers & Discussants
KIM, Hyun-Wook (Professor, Institute of Foreign Affairs & National Security, Korea National Diplomatic Academy)
KIM, Jin-Ha (Senior Researcher, Korea Institute for National Unification)
Gideon RACHMAN (Senior Columnist, The Financial Times)
YEO, Seungbae (Deputy Director-General, North Korean Nuclear Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Rapporteur: PAIK, Yung Yun (Researcher, Institute of Foreign Affairs & National Security, Korea National Diplomatic Academy)

사회: 홍지인 (국립외교원 외교안보연구소 소장)

발표 및 토론
김현욱 (국립외교원 외교안보연구소 교수)
김진하 (통일연구원 연구위원)
기디온 라흐만 (파이낸셜 타임즈 수석 칼럼니스트)
여승배 (외교부 북핵외교기획단 부단장 )

라포터: 백영연 (국립외교원 외교안보연구소 연구원)

Recently we have seen leadership changes in Northeast Asia. The current interest is focused on how these changes in leadership will affect the security situation in Northeast Asia. Furthermore, North Korean strategy aimed at solidifying the Kim Jong-un administration is an additional critical variable that influences the overall regional security context. In this session, keeping the aforementioned circumstances in mind, we will have analysis on the security situation on and around the Korean Peninsula following the implementation of Korea’s new government and discuss diplomatic challenges to Korea in the years ahead. In order to have an effective understanding of the Northeast Asian security issues in general, this session will 1) present an external perspective on the Korean Peninsula 2) search for solutions to maintain peace on the Korean Peninsula by deliberating ▲ cooperation with the U.S. ▲ solution to the North Korea nuclear problem and ▲ prospects for future inter-Korean relations.

한국과 주변 4강의 리더십 교체에 따른 각국의 대외정책 변화와 김정은 체제의 공고화를 목표로 하고 있는 북한의 대외전략은 한반도의 안보정세를 결정짓는 중요한 변수로 작용하고 있습니다. 이번 세션에서는 이러한 시기적 특성에 대한 인식을 바탕으로, 신 정부 출범 이후의 한반도와 주변 정세를 분석하고 나아가 한국의 외교적 과제에 대해 논의해 보고자 합니다. 이에, 최근 긴장의 수위가 나날이 고조되고 있는 1) 남북 관계를 바라보는 대내외적 시각을 제시하고 2) 한반도 평화 조성을 위한 ▲ 미국과의 공조 ▲ 북핵 문제의 해결방안 ▲ 남북관계의 전망 등에 대한 고민을 통해 한반도 정세에 대한 전문가와 국민들의 이해 증진에 기여하고자 합니다.

