The 6th Jeju Forum evaluated the challenges and opportunities the rise of China and the reunification of the Korean peninsula will offer. The Forum also took note of the great potential of new growth on the basis of the Asian entrepreneurship. With this background, various programs on Korea-China economic cooperation are prepared. The contents of new standard and its perspectives were reviewed. New growth potential, creative industry, new leadership, the future of education and the role of women were also addressed. Peace and common prosperity on the Korean peninsula and East Asia through the promotion of mutual understanding was discussed. The cultural exchanges and fusion in East Asia was reviewed and we evaluated how it is promoting the sense of community among the Asian peoples. Various issues of peace in East Asia such as the resolution of the North Korean nuclear problem, historical reconciliation and maritime security are among the topics. The recent natural disaster of Japan was reviewed and among the related topics are how to deal with the climate change and natural disasters.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute 
17:00 ~ 18:10
[3-D] International Cooperation for Preventing Infectious Disease in Developing Countries
저개발국 감염성질병퇴치를 위한 국제협력
Crystal Hall D
PARK, Sang-dae (Chairman, Korea Support Committee for the International Vaccine

Main Speakers
BANG, Yeon-ho (Manager, Global Policy, Ministry of Education, Science and
Anthony FLYNN (Secretary General, International Vaccine Institute)
John CLEMENS (Deputy Secretary, Resource Development, International Vaccine

CHO, Dong-sung (President, Korea Support Committee for the International Vaccine
CHO, Wan-kyoo (Executive Advisor, Korea Support Committee for the International Vaccine Institute )

좌 장
박상대(국제백신연구소한국후원회 이사장)

방연호(교육과학기술부 글로벌정책담당관실 과장)
앤써니 플린(국제백신연구소 사무총장)
존 클레멘스(국제백신연구소 자원개발담당 사무차장)

발 표
조동성(서울대학교 교수/국제백신연구소한국후원회 회장)
조완규(국제백신연구소한국후원회 상임고문)

백신의 부족과 미개발로 인해 매년 700만 명의 어린이가 전염병에 쓰러지고 있으며, 이들 희생자의 대부분은 아시아와 아프리카 개발도상국의 아이들입니다. 개발도상국 어린이의 전염병 예방을 위한 백신의 연구개발과 접종을 위해 국제백신연구소(IVI)가 설립되었습니다. 대한민국에 본부를 둔 최초의 국제기구로 설립된 IVI를 한국에 유치하게 된 경위와 IVI의 비전과 사명, 그리고 주요 연구성과 및 향후IVI가 나아갈 방향 등이 심도 있게 논의될 예정입니다.

Every year seven million children suffer from infectious diseases because of the shortage and underdevelopment of vaccines. Most of these victims are from developing countries in Asia and Africa. This session is organized by the IVI, the first international organization headquartered in South Korea with the purpose of developing and supplying vaccines for children in the developing world. The panelists will discuss the decision to locate the IVI in South Korea, the vision and mission of the IVI, and the major achievements of and future directions for the IVI.

